I miss my Smanten

Yes I say I do miss my Smanten, a school where I spent my 3 years with all happiness and sadness. Now, my mind is like coming back to all the moments when I was there, in my lovely school. I miss any single steps I had there, in my classrooms, canteen, library, mosque, toilet, parking area, school field, laboratories, and teachers’ room. I miss to have a flag ceremony every Monday morning. I remember when I picked up the garbage or raised up my hand to the head looking at the flag because of being late. I hated it at that time, but now I find it fun :D I miss all activities I had with all my friends in our classroom. I miss the desk and chair where I sat, the whiteboard where I wrote anything, and any other things in my classroom. I miss the moment when my friends and I went to the canteen when studying hours were running. I miss all my Smanten friends . . . I MISS ALL MY “PUTIH ABU-ABU” MOMENTS >,